Thank for the Update but there is a Functionality that You Haven't Implemented on it and that is Necessary for it to Work Properly on the ForumDisplay, and is that it Displays the Filtered Number of Pages After the Apply of the Filter by Letter, and also that when Clicking on the Number of Page the Users can Browse to that Filtered by Letter Page.
Right Now the Mod Only Displays the Fist Page of Results and the Other Links to the Pages don't Include the Filter by Letter.
For Small Thread Lists Works Fine but for Large Ones you can Only See the First X Results (the ones on the First Page).
Also another Functionality that don't Work is when You Have Thread Lists Ordered or Filtered by Any Criteria, the Provided Link don't Respect that Order and/or Filter and Displays All the Threads Filtered by First Letter, (Only the First Page as Mentioned Before).
I Hope You Can Include those Functionalities on this Mod.
My Best Regards.