ok... the problem is inside this plugin code!
PHP Code:
$admin_log_in_as_userinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT admin_log_in_as_user FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "administrator WHERE userid = '" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "'");
if ($admin_log_in_as_userinfo['admin_log_in_as_user'])
$quicklinks = array_merge(
"../member.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=getinfo&u=" . $vbulletin->GPC['userid'] . "&admin_log_in_as_user=" . $vbulletin->GPC['userid']
=> $vbphrase['log_in_as_user']
I'll get into it tomorrow and see what the issue is!
But here is a work around for now... "This will only remove the ability to login as member from admincp"
Disable the plugin for the admincp link - (see attached image)