Originally Posted by Dean C
My angle is simple, it's that no-one can possibly assess the value of your domain without knowing it. For example, 69.com is most likely worth a hell of a lot more than 96.com. Take two guesses as to why  I just can't understand why you would have posted the thread other than to show off that you had a big value offer on your domain. The fact is, you're asking people to make a blind valuation.
Please excuse my previous posts, I get rattled easily these days :down:
Okies, well.
Forum Rules on here are quite simple, no self promotion, which I adhere to.
This being a good venue for forum and site owners, who dont just do sites to make money seemed like a good place to post a thread, to get a general feel for domain values.
Had I gone onto a sedo type forum, I am sure I could have been more specific, but the site/domain are a business site, so we dont want to advertise the fact it may be for sale. Even as a silent listing.
Unfortunately it isnt 69.com LOL
Its a .com.au and they are inherantly hard to sell on, when compared to .com As we have to provide actual details as to the viability and usage of domains based on business etc.
All I was after was some very general thoughts.