Originally Posted by Lynne
I love my website, but just as I don't feel like being on a phone leash and thus don't give out my cell phone number, I'm not about to be on a leash to my site users. When I'm off the computer, I'm off the computer.
Originally Posted by Biker_GA
Amen! Bad enough that friends haven't a clue when they're interrupting your private life, but to open yourself up to a board's membership like that is a sure fire way of ensuring you'll NEVER EVER get a romantic moment again. 
My board is a closely-knit group of members. Most the members have been registered for 2-3 years, and I'd say a good 50% of the members are actually locals that I know.
With this, they wouldn't see your phone number, it would act just like any chat client. Besides, I could always set certain usergroups to be able to access this, like the VIP or something.