Any webmasters here have 24/7 tech/chat support?
So I just got a new phone, and I'm loving this new full keyboard. I'm with verizon, and I get unlimited txt's. Right now, my other admin can chat with me using MSN, which allows him to send txt's to me, and receive my replies. It's 100% free for both of us.
To begin, I just run a random forum with over 10,000 members which is mainly centered around random topics, and is not out to sell any services or make any money. I just do this for a hobby.
I was just thinking, there are plenty of services out there that provide for SMS plugins for your website, but the good ones are never free. So I was thinking, I might be able to write a program that uses MSN's protocol that can run on my linux box, and it would allow any member of my forum to communicate with me with a custom chat client that I'd write. It would also have administrative features like me replying with two special commands, that would allow me to block abusers, and another one to kick/end their session. Hardest part for me would be integrating the program with some sort of php scipt.
I was wondering if anyone has seen this, or knows a much better free alternative? If I decide to do it this summer, I'm going to integrate it with the vBulletin forums and I'm sure I'll post the mod on here for no charge.
What's your take on this?