yes can someone please tell us the new url for the bot right now in vbbot.php it is....
They either changed that or the key words for a dead file that this bot uses.
EDIT: NVM thats not the problem. I checked the script of a updated link checker PHP and it uses that address as well so its gotta be something else.
I noticed hes missing a line here that SHOULD be for he only has .de
$sites = array(
array("megaupload\.com/([a-z]{2}\/)?\?d=", "(Filename:)|(All download slots assigned to your country)", "@\/([a-z]{2}\/)@i", "/en/"),
array("rapidshare\.de\/files\/", "You want to download"),
array("filefactory\.com\/file\/", "(download link)|(Please try again later)"),
array("mediafire\.com\/?", "You requested", "@com\?@i", "com/download.php?"),
array("mediafire\.com\/\?sharekey", "Folder Name:"),
array("depositfiles\.com\/([a-z]{2}\/)?files\/", "File Name", "@(com\/files\/)|(com\/[a-z]{2}\/files\/)@i", "com/en/files/"),
array("sendspace\.com\/file\/", "The download link is located below.")
I am using this on vb 3.8.2 with NOOOOOOOOOO PROBLEMS! please check ur server settings and that u have the bot settings correct.
I have checked ALL the posts it has binned and it is correct everytime.