Feedback system similar to eBay for vbulletin forum
Hello everyone,
Can someone please recommend a trading feedback system for my 3.8.2 forum? Something similar to eBay or iTrader would be great!
Although are there any cons to installing one of these feedback systems? What happens if eventually the feedback modification isn't supported and new vbulletin versions are released and they don't work together, I would lose all of the members feedback information which would infuriate more than a few people I am sure.
Currently I have a "Transaction / Feedback Forum" where people can have their own thread where other members go in and write a review of the transaction they had with that person.
I have seen this on other forums, and I just thought I would put it up as it seems the safest way to incorporate a feedback system as they're posts and would gel with every vbulletin version?
Thanks your help is greatly appreciated.