Originally Posted by yotsume
Sticky Message Refresh Bug?
When I stick a message in the chatbox or unstick a message it is refreshing the whole page. Can't this be made to just refresh the chatbox itself since it is ajaxed?
Seems a waste to have the whole site refreshed for one darn sticky message.
Can this be changed or is it a bug?
Working as designed
It's refreshing because it's not just about stickying one small chat but keeping date order and so on. I have made it so because to minimize the oding effort.
I admit it could be optmized though.
Originally Posted by gpc10347
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring to perhaps take this back to the .wav format - I don't currently own anything that can let me easily edit the file and - well - it's one of those features the users like:
On that note, a /bell with an option in the cp to reference what sound gets sent would be a nifty add-on...
To get it back to wav, edit the clientscript/mgc_cb_evo/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js and replace clientscript/mgc_cb_evo/sound/new_chat.swf by the .wav, this should work.
Not sure a /bell is really what user needs. However, I could perhaps add the possibility to admin to select/manage sounds and allow their users to select which sound to use.
Originally Posted by gpc10347
Regarding the Security Issue with the archives: Although I had the newer version, I skipped the update just before this release. Thinking this could be the issue, I completely uninstalled - then reinstalled - and it appears to have gone away...
Then it's fine