Originally Posted by Alfa1
It would be optimal if moderators could see if there are files and comments to moderate. Moderators do not have access to the adminCP. I think the notifications menu, which shows how many PM's, VM's, subscribed threads you have, would be optimal for this.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Am I correct to think that LDM has two ways of assigning moderators to a category:
Either by assigning a whole usergroup moderating functionality or by inheritance from forums(which i think also has other effects)?
If this is correct, then could you please add functionality to make specific users, the moderator of a category?
Actually, this functionality already exists as of version 2.2.8. There's a setting moderate_usernames on the admin/settings page, also on Add/Edit category pages, to allow you to specify additional users who can moderate.
The other two groups of moderators you identify are correct.