hum, strangely, i fall on this release months after it's firstpost, and see that there is a "war" about who released something similar before?
Originally Posted by veenuisthebest
There are many other skins/sites that I have seen using this before I released. Maybe yours was one of them, or maybe not. Its such a easy template edit that anybody can do this, so not sure to whom the credit for the idea goes to.
Thanks for noticing after 3 months though. :erm:
But because you said so, I really don't mind adding your name to the co-auths. Anybody else wants it?
Thanks venus, as you say, you saw similar template edit in the past, you can see it here:
... and i don't care if someone release something to mimic one of my addons, my version was created 4 years ago and never released on, so why bother following the mood of "i made it first"... tsss
adding someone else to co-authors.. come on, nobody helped you create this release.