Originally Posted by reitube
Another question: I changed the refresh time from 30 to 10 or 20 seconds for various user groups but nothing seems to change. I watch the refresh icon and it moves like before after 30 seconds. Any ideas?
Normally if you change the refresh rate in your usergorup permissions it's applied, unless you didn't set it.
Originally Posted by reitube
I also have the prob that usersonline works a bit weird. I understand there is a bug in that feature. Is it planned to fix it with next version?
Yeah it's planned. However next release won't be before june, I am moving from location on the first week of june so have to prepare lots of things before
Originally Posted by l_amhed
I re-tested your chatbox on my localhost (Yahoo YUI on localhost too, IE no access to internet) and have this error :
Erreur : e.get is not a function
Fichier source : ./clientscript/mgc_cb_evo/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js
Ligne : 1
With latest chatbox version ?
Originally Posted by kensaurus
i got a problem here, installed your chatbox but there is a gap on every single page the chatbox is present:

its quite annoying with that big gap. any help?
That big gap must dissapear once the chatbox shows the chat and the loading... sentence has dissapeared.
Isn't it the case ?
Originally Posted by gpc10347
- One quickie side question: Is there a quick way to force a new sound? I uploaded a new wav file (new_chat) and overwrote the current one but I doesn't seem to take.. I cleared my browsers cache - re-checked the path and still hear the old one.
Also: Is it's name something I can go change in the code somewhere?
It's because sound was moved to flash instead of wav.
Originally Posted by Markos
i think hes meaning the gap between the chat box and the forum section
Yeah but the gap should be one or two br but not that much space.