Welcome to the readme for the Great Affiliate Page for your Forum hack.
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*1: Just customise the template to your liking now, so, lets be sure, here is how the tag works:
<a href="HTTP://YOUR LINK GOES HERE.COM" target="_blank" title="THIS IS WHAT VISITORS WITHOUT IMAGES ENABLED WILL SEE">This is the link that people click to access your affiliates site.</a><br>
Thats it..
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Adding a Link into your NavBar.
Go to AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> YourSkin -> Navigation & Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar
HTML Code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
Add below:
HTML Code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="misc.php?do=page&template=Affiliates"><abbr title="visit our affiliates today, click here!">Affiliates</abbr></a></td>
Now there should be a link on your navbar called "Affiliates" and when you hover your mouse over it, it will say in a little popup
hoverbox thingy (yes, I know, that name is too awesome) "visit our affiliates today, click here!"... Feel free to customise that.
Woot, All finished! you can access your finished page from this link: