Originally Posted by BehG
Hi Ted,
We installed this hack and it wasn't what we were looking for, so we removed it. However, since then (actually even after we disabled the product and before we removed it), all our regular Vbulletin polls are getting redirected to other threads (either upong voting or through the edit poll function by MODS).
I'm just wondering if there's any part of this hack which would have modified the poll.php file or any of its functions to cause this problem . We did not have this issue before. Your help would be greatly appreciated as we're getting a lot of grif from our members now. 
Sorry to hear the addon wasn't right for you however there is nothing that should impact polls with this addon. Due to the method used for plugins once you removed the addon all code related to other files was removed from plugin locations.
I would suggest uploading the poll.php file again and testing a new poll to see what is incorrectly linking. If you want to PM me I may be able to try and help you run down the issue.