Originally Posted by abdelghani68
I have see that we can limit the download for the guests in a day and it works very good. But the favorites and nominations doesn't works for theme (it works but there isn't difference for the guests, if a guest put the entree "a" as favorite for exemple, all of the other guests will see the entree "a" as favorit for theme.
If I understand you correctly, you are asking that LDM can recognise different guest users. Unfortunately, all guests are considered (by the vBulletin infrastructure) to have the same userid. The only other way to distinguish people is by their IP address, but this is not reliable - IP addresses change for the same computer and people use different computers. So I can't see a way to allow guest users to create their own personal favourites and nominations (or have their own allowances). Surely the better approach is to get them to register?