I have this installed and i have a style installed that is not showing the bars for the members activity ect.It is showing up like this
Points: 391, Level: 7 Points: 391, Level: 7 Points: 391, Level: 7
Level up: 82%, 9 Points needed
Level up: 82% Level up: 82% Level up: 82%
Activity: 100%
Activity: 100% Activity: 100% Activity: 100%
For some reason the images are not loading or something.Just wondering what i could do to fix it.I am new to Vbulletin and my coding is not that good.I figure out how to make it say everything once without the bars but i would like to be able to use the bar.The style i am using is Dark_Vb_fixed and fluid.Don't know if you will be able to answer this but i figured i would at least ask.Sorry im just a noob when it comes to this.