Originally Posted by voter
Coders Shack why you need to invent vbphrase variables in javascript?
Code in your php
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var threadid = $threadinfo[threadid];
var ajax_last_edit = $threadinfo[lastedit];
livetopic.old_topic = ' . $vbulletin->options['livetopic_threadtime'] . ';
livetopic.interval_time = ' . $vbulletin->options['livetopic_requestinterval'] . ';
livetopic.ajax_max_visibleposts = ' . $vbulletin->options['livetopic_maxvisibleposts'] . ';
vbphrase[\"livetopic_maxpostnotice\"] = \"' . addslashes($vbphrase['livetopic_maxpostnotice']) . '\";
vbphrase[\"livetopic_edit_message\"] = \"' . addslashes($vbphrase['livetopic_edit_message']) . '\";
vbphrase[\"livetopic_newresponses\"] = \"' . addslashes($vbphrase['livetopic_newresponses']) . '\";
Generated this in html source
It is nonsense and useless to have vbphrase variables definition inside HTML source. These all is classified as HTML error from any HTML checker.
true... there are other ways i could have done this, in the next version i should fix this.
i wanted to give users the ability to change the values