Here's a quick look at the Admin CP options.. no need to post this but it's something to show that it's getting accomplished
Originally Posted by TNCclubman
only display from friends or all members (option in admincp)
share a link
'like this' link, then shows who 'liked this'
1. Future option.
2. Share link, meaning to email the comment or something?
3. "Like Comment" link, and a list on a new page of those who "liked" it?
Originally Posted by VIPER-MAN
Wow, thanks CodingMonkey for looking into this. I think this MOD would be a great add-on to help merge the micro-blog trend that really takes away activity from forums. (It would only go on the Forum home)
ADMINCP Options:
1) Number of updates to show - yes
2) I think a post count restriction would be nice to prevent spammer use.
Thanks again.
PS: Maybe down the road after the basics are worked-out, the updates can automatically update to Twitter and FB status updates, or vice versa.
1. Okay? lol
2. Done.
PS: Probably future function, if possible. I have never associated with the Twitter and FB APIs before, this will be fun...