ughhhhhhh, the way you did the phrases is sooooo wrong....

you can't make a whole phrase for one word and then use it in 20 other place...
for example in arabic (this apply for some other languages):
Game Settings
when i translate it to arabic the word places switch, the word meaning "Settings" becomes the first and the word meaning "Game" becomes last
Game = اللعبة
Settings = اعدادات
Game Settings = اعدادات اللعبة
(reading the words from right to left, also its written in a different ways if "Game" word is in a different place )

just imagine ur members reading "Games Settings" like Settings Game <<< doesnt make any sense...

and when i just finished editing the templetes you came and updated the product
I'm very grateful that you did bother to put the addon here but please please could you make phrases for a whole sentence, that will make my life much easier (and for other users who want to translate this addon to thier own lang)....