You have 2 rule sets:
1. General Rules
2. VIP Zone Rules
You set in options that user must accept Forum Rules before can view VIP Zone.
User is clicking on VIP Zone forum link and gets redirected to Rules page to accept it.
Now VIP Zone Rules will be shown anyway. Using mentioned ACP option you can set if General Rules will also be shown on the Rules page.
There are three options:
1. Show Always - Rules page will contain General Rules block + VIP Zone Rules block
2. General Rules Collapsed - Rules page will contain General Rules block which is collapsed by default + VIP Zone Rules block
3. General Rules Disabled - Rules page will contain only VIP Zone Rules
Be noted that General Rules are always available on Rules page when there are no other rule sets requested, for example when you click directly Forum Rules link in navbar. Also if you enable rule sets drop-down menu, user will be able to select and read them.
Hope this helps.