Originally Posted by Guz2003
Wow it's easy. Thanks! But if I uninstall vbcredits do I lost all records?
I'm not sure about this now. Please keep it disabled for safety
Originally Posted by Guz2003
Oh and one more questions:
-Do this mod work with "Post Thank You Hack" and "Yet Another Award System 4.0" hacks?
-And my users can't Buy/Sell/Produce/Use/Gift items why?
-Where I can get FULL version - Included Help files?
[list=1][*]No, it doesn't work with them but I have tested to run kBank together with Post Thank You Hack[*]Please describer more information...[*]You can download help file here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/7s8lc0bfqs7/Help files.zip
Originally Posted by paulbhoy
hey, so as of right now, you cannot buy items? If i missed somethign and you can, how?
Hmm, not really understand your question?
Originally Posted by ouch
Ive had to uninstall this until its ready, im using 3.8.2 vb with a custom skin and nav bar. As a result it would not show any images or much at all.
However what a great mod (once its fixed), i can see the potentual and it will benefit any site.
Which images did you expect to see?