Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Today I decided to let all my modules here unsupported, as I seen that most members dosen't respects my work, the time that I spent to develope and support them. Worst of all they don't respect even the laws.
I didn't asked anything in exchange. No money, not even to register in my site as most other developers ask for. What I asked, and I was expecting to find from their side, is a small gredit to me as a person, by letting my copyright in place.
Unfortunatelly, doing a simple search in Google (anybody can check it) for "vbulletin memberindex" I found dozens of sites having removed my copyright. Thank you all of you my dear. You're giving a shit to the only rule that I put. But I'm wondering why you don't dare to remove Jelsoft's copyright. Because it's a big company while I'm just a single person, much more, a woman. My congratulations men!!
One of them was so cool that registered in my site and post:
Of course I don't plan to punish all other honest members who respected me. I'll continue posting most of my modules for free, I'll continue supporting them, but on my site only or to sites which accept encoded modules. Free yes... But not with visible source code any more. It's my intellectual property and I'll protect it.
Classifieds and MemberIndex will continue unencoded as they're right now. But unsupported.
Thank you for your understanding (this goes to honest users).
This is an unfortunate situation, but I respect your decision. I do hope you decide to develop these mods in the future, as they are quite useful. I would personally be interested in purchasing Classifieds, if development and support were provided.
As for the copyright removal from microMembers, some users might have removed it due to the hard coding of the link colors. This is no excuse, of course, but it may have been a factor in the number of offenses. The stock link can look unsightly within some custom styles. Instead of deleting the link, I took the time to delete the color references from memberindex.php.
$copyright = "<p><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\"><b><u><font color=\"#091B63\">micro</font><font color=\"#0081D6\">MEMBERS</font></u></b></a> © 2008 by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\"><b><u><font color=\"#091B63\">Micro</font><font color=\"#0081D6\">Hellas</u></b></font></a></p></div>";
$copyright = "<p><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\">microMEMBERS</a> © 2008 by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\">MicroHellas</a></p></div>";
Regardless of your decision, I thank you for your hard work! I do hope that at some point in the future you somehow find the time and inspiration to follow through with these wonderful mods, whether they be as commercial releases or otherwise.