I don't want to remove your link, I still wish to respect your time and effort, as I appreciate very much what this mod has done to beautify our site.
You can see your copyright in place here:
I've altered it a little as it was an eyesore as it was, but your link is still clearly in sight, that would never change for as long as I use your mod, I never remove copyright, it's disrespectful.
Should we sign up to your site now then, I don't mind 'if' it means we will actually still be able to use this mod, as it is awesome and I'd hate to lose it.
Please don't encode it, they do that with vBCommerce, and as much as I would like to be able to use that mod I 'wont', I don't trust hidden code, no-one in their right mind ever would.
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The update, is that just the remove link thingy or is the mod itself updated, I don't want the remove url thing but if a proper update is here I should like to keep up to date, thanks for your time.