Originally Posted by kevcj
Here I am, with something that I can not use, nor can I get it fixed so I can use it. But somehow that "biased"?
Not exactly in that context, no. However I was referring to multiple other rants on Page 1. These comments in context state that IonCube product's shouldn't or won't ever be used again, by a given specif user, because of an experience with an unreliable developer. Thus biased.
I am not here to argue the fact that YOU HAVE LOST MONEY.
That for me personally is 1) none of my business and 2)nor do I care to make it my business.
However, simply saying that you will never used and IonCube encrypted product simply because someone else had a problem is biased by definition. Please if there are any doubts google biased and your nearest English professor.
By the way I have been a paying member of phpaudit, an IonCube encrypted product, since 2007. Couldn't be happier.
Personally for SolidPHP (author of phpaudit) here is what I have to say:
Problems: 0
Customer Satisfaction: 100%
IonCube Encrypted: Yes
Once again it's all in how a specific developer handles their work. Some people don't care and some people do care. Unfortunately you found a developer that doesn't care.
So don't flip your wig, because not all IonCube products suck, and not all developers will jack with you.