i'll try that the only thing i can think off was i put $20 for the month instead of 20
i'll let you know how i went on but i have to say this
oh trust me it's not kind words for a coder you are my idol if it wasn't for you i can say that half of the people here in this mod community would of not bought vbulletin period.
i'm serious you are the one if the only reason i bought vbulletin back in the day.
why vBulletin cannot employ you as a coder is beyond me because 99% of your
plugins should be in the stock files they should be so mandatory and necessary
vBulletin would not be anywhere near as popular or their sales would not be
anywhere near what they are without your addons you have no idea just how many
forums and communitys use your plugins hell its the first thing they install after a fresh stock install or update
i know people many forum admins which will not re-new their licence until they see a
dedicated version upgrade come out from yourself then they purchase the licence
vBulletin owes you so much thanks and a future with them i know i'm not the only one
who has this view let me give you an example
someone else could come out with the most wanted plugin people would be
hmm... will it work will it do the job, you could come out with it put your name too it
and 10 to 1 just your name alone on the plugin means pure Quality.
You might think your just a modder and over looked but your sure mistaken
Do you know what most people's biggest fear is? that you stop upgrading your licence thus stop
having access to the new versions of vbulletin to continue to make your updates as you have since 2005
vBulletin have no idea how much brown stuff they would be in and how many support emails would
be sent to them pleading with them to give you a free licence just because its you who makes this software worth the cost.
they would be shooting themselves so hard and fast in their own feet if they didn't allow you to continue supporting users.