Originally Posted by nexialys
hum, he just stated the opposite in his last comment... tsss
Read again IF you were referring to Puerto
Originally Posted by nexialys
hum, i can add to this... 90% of the coders here started with a client's vB or a nulled one to see how it work and if it worth coding for it...
a lot of designers and coders can not work on vB from a client's request because you have to purchase it to play with it... most of the other projects have free versions we can test, but not vB... so the coders have a real need of a nulled version to start playing with, and most of the time they are seduced, so they purchase a license, even if it's just to be able to code/sell for it.
Well that's because they did not realize you could throw up another forum for testing purposes... HELLO I did not until just recently but then again some do not have the knowledge... they have enough brains to rip your stuff but not code it themselves else they would make their own version... Who did the video-directory remixed mod.. I can't remember but he really ticked me off being a tactless twat so I made my own but the way I wanted to and not using ANY of his code so hmph BUT you see my point (I hope

Edit: The comment on calling home and codes that quit working when their site is down id soooo true and people need to quit doing that, maybe for a demo to a client but then remove asap and recode after purchased. I recently lost my site and domain due to a conflict of interest w/ the host right before renewal so I'm VERY HAPPY I did not release any mods or do any work on sites requiring info from that site. (I did a complete backup of files so I could fix if needed yest there was nothing as said but that's not the point, the methods to our madness is the point i.e. the threads title IonCube
