Originally Posted by Logician
If you use a default webtemplate theme or webtemplate header/footer, it will use your vbulletin style's colors including your background color. (Actually this is the whole point of the hack hehe).
However if you want to change it, you can:
a) use a stand alone webtemplate (which does not use any themes or header or footer) and use any background color you like there.
b) Create a new webtemplate theme (or header) with a different bg color and use this one for your specific webtemplate
Likewise you can create any HTML pages you like. Just create it in your favorite HTML software (frontpage, dreamweaver etc.), then paste its source code inside a webtemplate.
Yea we have been putting HTML into the template, but in our code we have a different background color or image, & it shows up on the page not in the body.!?
That seems backwards to me, if it is in the HTML code we add to the template it should change the body of the page not the background..
My forum style had a left side menu, so we are trying to create something that keeps with that.
Originally Posted by DaveS
Is there a specific forum to get help with the creating of php templates in this mod?
Or do I just clog up this thread? 
I have a tricky one that I'm trying to create, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
YES, this would be very helpful, i cant seem to get much to work on here except BASIC html code. Text with different colors, & fonts, but that about it.