Originally Posted by Cybernetec
v3.9.2 - Apr 21. 2009.
Awesome work so far Cyb, thanks for turning around these changes so quickly
Originally Posted by PamelaE
Thanks for fixing that cyb, for a next release it would be great if the General rules was an option to be shown above forum specific rules as now I have a long list on the forum with the rules enabled.
I agree, or at least 'minimised' by default when a separate forum rules link is followed.
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
As a normal member, I can see rules that are being shown only in private sections. Anyway this can be changed? So rules in private sections can only be shown to the people who are in the right usergroup?
Originally Posted by Cybernetec
Forum permissions will be applied to this in next version.
I noticed this too. Look forward to the permissions
On a more
trivial note, is possible to have the 'Forum Rules' link open in the same window rather than a separate browser/tab? As I find some people get a little frightened when the 'Back' button doesn't work