It's funny how you guys "speculate" why vbseo was using ioncube
I'm 100% sure it wasn't this..
I'm sure they always planned to release an unencrypted version.
I seem to remember reading it was more for performance at the time, things have changed since then, improvements have been made.
I agree the encrypting mods is really really bad, I've been talking on the phone with a client that last few weeks that's spent 100's$ on vbcube, or vbharrold, I don't remember the name.. some POS mod that the only has encrypted, and my client has a custom site, so he wants to customize the mods.. well guess what, he can't!
anyways.. I owned vbseo when it was encrypted, and it DIDN'T limit me to anything, eg rewrite rules, custom pages. I had all the function that the current "un-encrypted" version has, short of the new updates since those days..