nNJ thanks for suggestions but it's hard to do it like what you explain it. I will try to do it in another way.
can this be used to share between ONLY the admins
yes .. when you build the user field set Private Field to yes, then choose form usergroups admin groups to apply field to them
o0_avid_0o sharing settings have no advance options yet. let's wait the next version
Hi. Right now you can only choose between leaderboard, banner, and custom ad.
Can I create two custom ads because for custom ad, I already used it to display image only leaderboards.
I want to make square ads in between posts.
with v6.0 you can't add square ads in between posts.. next version will include more flexible options and optimized codes.
Using W3C Markup Validation I get one error:
Validation Output: 1 Error
that because I use one id for many attributes to reloading ads. you can fixed it by editing 'ain_adsense_sideH' template find and delete:
PHP Code:
after this you will be unable to use reloading option.
I will fix this in the newer version.
How works google adsense revenue sharing?
Can you post more details?
if you want to enable adsense revenue share, you should build user field and write the field name in options of adsense revenue share. you can build field as following:
- AdminCP -> User Profile Fields -> Add New User Profile Field
- choose Profile Field Type: single-line text box then continue
- add information like what in this file then save the field.
- copy the name of field and bring it to main options in AGA.
it's simple.. which part you didn't understand?