Custom layout coding questions. Example Attached
I have some things i am trying to get clarified for my VB...
I made an example of what im trying to get done.
1. I am trying to make it so that the login box appears in top right over the image background header. I get this to work after replicating the code in the example but not sure if I have to change Javascript or if im placing my code in the wrong place. Will i need to edit and php files to make this happen?
I want to be able to login and still have my screen name and user cp, and posts links appear in this box once logged in.
2. I am trying to also replicate the table box with rounded corner images and bars. however again im not excatly sure where the code is supposed to be to appear for all tables. There is an image for each corner and an image for the bar going across. I can figure out how to place the corner images th bars are the easy part.
3. the girl image is actually a splice image and apears for each table. Obviously this is my example as Im piecing aspects of other forums together to get what i what with my design.
Im not new to coding but the whole vb editing and such is somewhat new but have done many updates and the like.
I can see the code on the example forums and tried figuring out where its placed but see foggy on how exactly and where its placed knowing that php with throw you off in view source.
Any help on these would be much appreciated and already have images I just dont know where to put code specifically in template css to make these things happen.