Originally Posted by hIBEES
LOL!!! I'm now gettin, when tryin to clean one, when clearly its not.
Just upgraded to 2.3.2
Originally Posted by UncoderMom
I am logged in. ITs my avatar. LOL been logged in on and off all day and they are still there. Also getting the "This avatar is already clean." notice when I try and clean it. Its dirty but says its clean. Same eggs from early today.
Other users are having issues with cleaning them too, I try and it gives me the same thing it gives them. BUT if I throw something fresh at them and then throw a towel the avatar gets cleaned. weird.
Also I noticed if you throw an egg and then quick reply you cant throw another egg until you refresh the page.
I am running vb 3.8 and installed the latest version of Egg and am having the exact issues posted above.
I am admin and I cannot clean avatars, members who have permission cannot clean their avatars. When I go to clean mine, the popup is empty. When I go to clean a member's avatar it tells me the avatar is already clean.
Is there a fix that I missed for this?