Originally Posted by amjadz4
also about the USER ID issue, as far as i know this mod is not designed for that. I hope the author will fix that in the next version so for now, there's no use talking about it, simply don't use the posting feature at all for now. If you want only users integrated that will work perfectly. (and that's what most of the people actually want!)
That's not entirely accurate - there are a few of us who don't need the user integration at all, but who use this plugin solely for the ability to bridge posts from Wordpress over to vBulletin. For us, it's crucial.
Actually, I wonder if it would 'fix' things if I deleted all of my Wordpress users, aside from the admins/authors? I don't particularly need for my readers to have Wordpress accounts (in fact, I would prefer they not, for security reasons). Would that hose things?