iphone (1st gen)
Its honestly the best phone I've ever had and it just keeps on getting better. Its the little things, like being able to use the addresses in my contacts list while looking up an address in google maps, that really make the difference.
- Best contact manager and great calendar syncing with outlook.
- App Store
- It is also, at the end of the day, an ipod touch!
- Best portable device I found for watching mp4 movies.
- text message plan is extra (bb plans include this I think)
- IM app needs to be open to receive IM's (guess to force texting).
- I prefer Verizon's network over ATT's (I get better coverage on VZW and it seems like calls drop more on ATT)
- The calendar could have better integration for one click maps and phone calls (gee, can you tell im nit picking here).