I went ahead and nofollowed all vbay internal links (auctions, categories, etc) and disallowed all of the
/vbay.php?do= pages in robots.txt. So my vbay homepage is the only page that should get crawled and indexed by google. I find this better than having a bunch of duplicate titles and meta's. Also saves on bandwidth

So I'll leave it liek this until(if) someone can help out with the seo of vbay.
I have another question:
We all know that new auction users have to enter their address info one time when they click "sell", "buy it now", etc. It would be really nice if they would be redirected back to the page they clicked on before they had to enter their shipping info. Anyone know how to do this?
1. A forum member visits our forums vbay page for the first time.
2. He wants to post an auction right away, so he clicks on "sell".
3. The address page comes up where he has to enter his address.
4. After he submits his address info, he is redirected back to the vbay homepage. (I want it to redirect to the sell page)
This goes for every page.