Originally Posted by dirtyboxing
Hey does anyone know where I can get some games for my arcade?
...Just kidding Wrams...lol
Here is another good site for games: http://www.ibpdownloads.com/ 5000+ games
Register, login, click arcade on top navbar, click download by the game you want. 5 games per day free.
Ok Cool, thanks for that link....Now i'm after coders for my vBSkinClub forums/site. I'm a graphics pro but no hardly anything about coding apart from basics. If you know anyone who can code VB Skins tell them to reg on my site vbskinclub.com and they can earn some cash as sales start. I'm in the middle of making a X-Box 360 gaming forums skin and next a Playstation Skin then whatever else people want me to make. Yes that right there cusom skins. As for my PS3-gamesaves.com site thats running very slow. Oh well you can win them all. If you know any coders get them to join and they can earn some good money in the long run. A percentage for every skin we sale.