Originally Posted by djbaxter
Error in XML - identifies the product in Admin CP | vBulletin Options as:
Need to edit line 135:
PHP Code:
<phpcode><![CDATA[$only['gamefields'] = 'Game Fields Icons';]]></phpcode>
I changed this for now to:
PHP Code:
<phpcode><![CDATA[$only['gamefields'] = 'Social Networking - MySpace and FaceBook';]]></phpcode>
just to avoid confusion.
Also changed line 172 to read:
PHP Code:
<phrase name="settinggroup_sfields_icons_group" date="0" username="zefyx" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Social Networking - MySpace and FaceBook]]></phrase>
Thanks, that's odd; I'm not sure how that happened, I did have it changed on my code here & somewhere the v1.1 zip disappeared too! Anyhow, I've re-uploaded it.