Originally Posted by bananalive
Edit Form then Check 'Post New Thread'
(if javascript is disabled then save the form and the option will appear)
Mate, ok but this harks back a couple of pages on here , when I asked a question.. which could be why we cannot get this to function 100%
We cannot define a THREAD, because we use VBSEO.
We want to define specific threads and forum ids, but VBSEO rewrites the output of these.
Now, is it just a case, of turn vbseo of, grab the actual thread id and forum id. Such as
f= 23
Turn VBSEO back on, then place into the form elements, the F and T values ?
If thats the case, we have tried that, and it doesnt parse the thread id correctly, but does post the form result into the correct forum id.