Dear Sir,
I've succesfully upgraded my vbexperience to 3.8.3
My question is, how exactly this system calculate the point for user?
I'm confuse because when I sum Point Thread + Point User + Point Post + Miscellaneous the total 'sometimes' it become less 1 point. Meaning supposedly it's overall total should be 1000 point, but it end up with total of 999.
In your demo link for ranking ( also has the same behavior. Does the system round up/round down anything?
Level User Name Punkty Activity Points for user Points for threads Points for posts Points for miscellaneous
51 CABAListic 13881 0% 3835 1940 7782 325
46 StrappingYoungLad 11512 0% 3893 1431 6167 21
44 J J P 10825 0% 3795 990 5836 204
e.g CABAlistic should has 13882 point but, end up 13881
thank you in advance