Originally Posted by tldagent
One thing to note though, balance is in all of creation. When things become unbalanced the results are no good. Whether it be the weather, your check book, your tires on your car, the ph in the soil of your garden... everything. If there is a God then God's law is balance as shown in everything... all things. If anyone wish dispute that ONE universal truth if there is any at all, that truth is balance. All else is mythology.
Ahh I see where your going with it. In a sense your totally right God's creation of everything we have come to know was created with perfection and balance, one that humans are still trying to mimick today in the science world.
Offtopic Just a quick note for your knowledge: Shia muslims believe that after god has placed us here on earth we are given the freedom to do what ever we want, but we will judged on our actions. Some people then say has he abandoned you, and some take it to the other extreme that he's put us on a string called fate where we end up doing what he wanted. Shia's believe that allah essentially placed each person here with some things that you had no control of like status your born with, your looks, color, place your born, etc, and then when the person is here on earth they can do anything that they want (with judgement like i said above).
Then allah allows the things to occur like for instance I want to throw a ball, allah will use the "laws" he created like gravity and motion to move it from point a to point b. At the end I thought it up, threw the ball, and the ball was received by the other person. So essentially we believe allah allows us to do the things we do, but we are the controller of those actions. We could also use the thing for sin, like I was to shoot someone. I fire a bullet and kill someone. At the end allah didn't help with the sin because simply all he did was move an object using air to object b. The sin itself was placed upon the carrier of the action, as his intention after it was carried out become a sin.
Well I was going to delete this since i think i may have dragged my paragraphs on. But hope it helps someone understand the idea of freewill with gods coexistance within it.