Thanks RS_Jelle for your help, you probably think I'm a whacko lol. :P
But ok, Vbulletin should seriously provide some support for 'highslide' because it's not easy to get working at all. I just took the highslide settings from your site RS_Jelle I hope you don't mind so ignore my last post.
RS_Jelle how do I edit the category of the actual download? I have no use for the field "Author" so I wanted to remove that. But I also want to add a "Version" field, and a "Quality" field. You know how a field like "File Name" or "Size" etc...
Also, I looked everywhere in this thread but the question was never answered: "How do I get the category image to the left instead of underneath the description?"
Along with another question when I try to upload .bmp files as the image to the download I get Fatal error: Call to undefined function
imagecreatefrombmp() in /home/shujinan/public_html/forums/downloads.php on line 850
I listed bmp as my image format and even switched imagemagick but it still doesn't work.
I'd also like to add that unless someone is very familiar with coding. editing the <img> isn't all that easy. In downloads.php there are over several <img> tags, which one do I edit, what do I edit? Am I taking something out? Adding something in? Where do I add whatever I'm adding in?
I had one of my coder friends help me out it ended up being:
$dimages .= '<a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)"><img src="'.$dl->url.$image['thumb'].'" alt="'.$file['name'].'" title="'.$file['name'].'" border="0" /></a> by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'<br />';
So anyone's whose having the same trouble can see the clear solution.