I just want this integrated with "Currently Active Users" Its working but how to get it integrated?
// This script is an example of display, in another page of your website,
// the list or number of users connected to the chat
// Lines below must be at the top of your file and completed according
// to your settings
// relative path from this page to your chat directory
$ChatPath = "../../chat/web/";
// HTML link to launch the chat (used by constants below)
$ChatLaunch = "<A HREF=\"http://my.url.nl\~chat\" TARGET=\"_self\">chatting</A>";
$ShowPrivate = "1"; // 1 to display users even if they are in a private room,
// 0 else
$DisplayUsers = "1"; // 0 to display only the number of connected users
// 1 to display a list of users
define("NB_USERS_IN","users are ".$ChatLaunch." at this time."); // used if $DisplayUsers = 0
define("USERS_LOGIN","User ".$ChatLaunch." at this time:"); // used if $DisplayUsers = 1
define("NO_USER","Nobody is ".$ChatLaunch." at this time.");
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
display_connected($ShowPrivate,$DisplayUsers,($DisplayUsers ? USERS_LOGIN : NB_USERS_IN),NO_USER);