Originally Posted by BBR-APBT
If you are doing that in register_start you wont be able to pull a username I don't think. Since they are just registering they don't have a username yet. When you are logged in it will not even let you go to the register page.
What exactly are you trying to do maybe we can help another way.
i want to make member email when registering to
and this plugin almost working like that, just how to change
username to each member real username
if ($_POST['do'] == 'addmember')
if (empty($_POST['email']))
$_POST['emailconfirm'] = $_POST['email'] = 'username@mydomain.com';
$_POST['emailconfirm'] = $_POST['email'];
btw when people registering in domain.com/register.php and they wrong to type captcha, the username field is still already filled with they username (the registering proccess is not finishing yet), so maybe i can get that username in email field like that
if you know please let me know what is the code to get member username in plugin