I've seen that others have had this error:
After turning on the plug-in, I consistently get:
"Error 500 - Internal server error
An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later."
...but I have not seen a reply as to how to fix it. My installation is extremely vanilla - same domain for vB and WP with no custom modifications to either. vB is installed in /forum and WP at the root. No database prefix. I've applied the 755 chmod to each of the WP folders.
The only thing that I can think of that is not out-of-the-box is that I have PhotoPost installed and integrated with vB and that is all working just fine. Is there a chance that a permissions change there is keeping this bridge from working?
Any help would be appreciated as I'd like to get this going before the site goes live. I have temporarily removed this mod since it wasn't working.
vBulletin 3.8.2
WordPress 2.7.1
vbbridge 4.01.13
Hosting site: 1and1.com
MySQL 5.0