I would like to submit my forum for the BOTM nomination.
Site Name:alwatanyh.com
Description: portal web site that offer alot of services for users and visitors
Reason for Nomination:
* Heavily customized with many third party scripts integrated into vbulletin.
* youtube like services integrated with vbulletin user database.(clipshare integrated with vbulletin
* about 12 services :music,health,culture,blogs,literature, programs,links,culture,woman life ,books ,games,shop,classifieds,mobile
every service has its subdomain ,structre ,content management (we use different products ,some of them has custom work
entries through these services more than 100,000 entries
*voice chat integrated with vbulletin
* quiz system has more than 7000 quistions and more than 21000 answers
* Entirely custom style with multiple colours
* all services has already alot of entries "some of them more than 25 thousands entries" like :links,gallery etc
*notepad services for user in his cp , it is with multiple folder and have unlimited number of notes "custom work"
*rapid share like system for hosting files and with ability to be as external hard disk for
"custom work"