I had the same problem until I added an anti-spam question to be answered at registration. Now I see in WOL multiple guests registering but most don't complete the registration process because spambots are blocked by that question.
My anti-spam question is cricket-related because my forum is for cricket followers so applicants are expected to have some cricket knowledge.
LBW is one way a batsman can be dismissed. LBW stands for Leg Before W.... Enter the correct word beginning with W.
To create an anti-spam question:
1. In admincp click Add New User Profile Field
2. In Profile Field Type select
Single-Line Text Box from dropdown list.
3. Fill out the form including your anti-spam question in the Description field.
4. In Field Required select
Yes, at registration and profile updating from dropdown list.
5. In Field Editable by User select
Only at registration from dropdown list.
6. In Which page displays this option? select
Edit Profile from dropdown list.
7. In Regular Expression type the answer to your anti-spam question. I'm not sure if this is case sensitive? For example, if you type in lower-case and the applicant types in upper-case does the registration process continue?
Other options should be self-explanatory.