I'm sorry to say this but your making it seem like religion is the root of all evil. If you took your faces out of your behinds you might notice that religion has little to do with any modern warfare, which has killed more people then any religious battles have. Stalin was a purely secular leader, with a secular nation, and you saw what happened when they took morals out of the picture, massive slave camps just to build factories. If they had religion and morals none of that would have happened. The problem is today most of you have confused corruption within the catholic church and conflict in the middle east as a religious thing. They aren't. almost all religions have peaceful roots. Islam is also a peaceful religion, sadly though today there is no such thing as a religious state, as most of their leaders are corrupt dogs placed there by the U.S.
If you want to blame something for wars blame your in ability to protect and riot when there is one. When people don't step out and protest the government will keep on jacking our money and placing it behind more weapons research and consistently have to start new wars to use those weapons they've made with that research.