Amen Senor Ramos!
Originally Posted by Red Blaze
That would completely contradict not only what Jesus says, but what God himself says.
Sure red but the only proof we have is what was written by men who thought the world ended in Ireland. Your placing your stock in what you've read in the Bible and learned in church. While it's all good, is that what God says? Do you know that beyond a reasonable doubt? What about Sikhism and Buddhism and all the other religions out there that have different books... are they all wrong?
My point is, man has divided each other with our perceptions of a god. It's not which god you worship that matters, all the matters is that you worship MY GOD or this god or that god. Man created the idea of a god and then claimed that God spoke to him and these were the words he wrote. What about the scriptures that didn't make it into the bible? What about the political agendas and pressures during the formation of it? What about the life of Christ prior to the age of 34? What happened to all this. Not to mention the fact that Christ spoke in a language of Science... Aramaic. What about all these things?
Shall we just turn a blind eye say... my parents and their parents and their parents were taught to believe in one thing and that is what I shall believe in? What about upsetting the ancestors by questioning whether or not this is truth?
Man, in the beginning worshiped the sun. That thing in the sky that sets every evening and rises every day. Eventually humankind evolved into worshiping a different kind of god or Gods... many gods. Is everyone wrong? Who's right?
Next, which version of the bible do you believe? The one that looks the best on your night stand or the one that resonates with you the most? They all say something slightly different and are open to interpretation. Times change, people change and evolve and it amazes me that we cannot see past our noses when it comes to all these different religions.
Religions cause wars. Christians slaughtered the Muslims during the crusades and we sit here and wonder why the Muslims don't like our Christina nation. Are we that stupid of a society? We go around telling everyone else how they should live and if they don't live according to our rules we become warriors? This isn't at all like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad... None of them.
One day, one day people will realize that the God they have built edifices of separation from is the divine light that shines within every man. One day people will realize that hell is something we create for each other in our own blind ambitions and one day we'll realize that the only sin in this world is the sins we commit against each other. One day one day we'll wake up to see the light of Jesus Christ within every man. The second coming of Christ isn't a man falling out of the sky people it's the Christ consciousness awakening within..... GEESH!
Ok, I'm done. Peace!
ADDED: I had to screen shot the image because member changed avatar right away.