Originally Posted by Kiros72
I'll try to include this option in my next version, but understand that this is not a priority of mine. This would be an unsafe feature that could get a lot of people in trouble, so again, it's no priority.
If it is a matter of money, please tell me a price to get this a bit higher into your priority list.
Maybe as a hardcoded option in a file, so if you really want to activate it, it is not easily accessable through the options
Originally Posted by Kiros72
Multiple Account Detection & Prevention already does this too.
For me not. As Stated. Account X and Y are already banned for being shared accounts. Yesterday someone logged into both accounts with the same IP and browser and the System did NOT inform me about that.
About the detectiontype... in our test the text was missing, now on a real one it showed the detection very well
Originally Posted by Kiros72
Umm, okay, well if they clear they're cookies and have their IP address changes, there's nothing that anyone can do about that. The AE Detector didn't even have registration IP address checks. I don't see what you're wanting me to do about people trying to evade the system.
If you directly deny a registration they'll figure more fast, that they should do this. If you let them register and instantly ban them, they don't fiddle around much. Don't know why but it works better that way