Originally Posted by exportforce
Can you optionally change this?
I am really in extreme need of this, that ALL accounts get instantly banned for multiaccounting, no matter who it will be.
I'll try to include this option in my next version, but understand that this is not a priority of mine. This would be an unsafe feature that could get a lot of people in trouble, so again, it's no priority.
Originally Posted by exportforce
Also I am in need of the notification from AE Detector that already banned accounts did a multiple login. So I can find new multipleaccounts too.
Multiple Account Detection & Prevention already does this.
Originally Posted by exportforce
Also it would be very cool if the addon would also instantly send a note if a user accesses a 3rd account and the addon tells me again all 3 accounts, even if he just a minute ago logged in with another. Also it would be great if it would tell me which detection what nick has gotten to be multiple (Cookie, IP, both)
Multiple Account Detection & Prevention already does this too.
Originally Posted by exportforce
I have a really hard time with multipleaccounts, sometimes ppl with over 8 accounts show up, so just to tell a number.
(No, just preventing to register a new Account is not an option for me, for they just kill the cookies and reconnect if they recognize that)
Umm, okay, well if they clear they're cookies and have their IP address changes, there's nothing that anyone can do about that. The AE Detector didn't even have registration IP address checks. I don't see what you're wanting me to do about people trying to evade the system.
Originally Posted by kursed
Understood. That I guess was the issue here. Thank you so very much for your help.
Glad I could help
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I have just recently got this hack to work. Until January i was using the AE detector. The few months without detection seems to have resulted in a lot of returning trolls.
DB features would be great.
Hmm, if you want to "start over," then you can either change the Cookie Name or do a cookie reset. The cookie reset would take a substantial amount of time, but the cookie name change would be immediate.
I cannot say exactly how long the wait will be for the next version, but it's going to be at least another couple of weeks. I've got a big project that I'm still working on.