Originally Posted by kronnos
I have bbcode in chatbox turned off. So no links are linkable, no images, and maybe no special characters?
On my test forum I did that and it's working, but perhaps it's because I changed something in my test version
Originally Posted by picamajstori
Firstly, is is possible to add links, font styles etc to the announcement? We've tried the standard [url=...] and <url=...> etc tags but they dont seem to work.
You have an option to activate BBCode in the announcement.
Originally Posted by picamajstori
Secondly, is is possible to edit the background colour of the chat box?
Template edit only (mgc_cb_evo).
Originally Posted by picamajstori
Third, there is a sort of glitch (although perhaps its intentional) in that when users cannot edit the BBCODE the text in the box they type in is black on a white background. When they press OK it appears on the chatbox as the default colour we have set in the admin panel. However once we activate the BBCODE editing for users, the text in the box comes up as the default colour as opposed to black. So if the default colour is light (because we have a blue chatbox), its hard to read the light writing on the white box. If this is intentional, is there a way to change it so no matter what colour u use, the text in the writing box is always black? Or peraps there is another way around this..
Wysiwyg is not active when the BBCode are inactive, that's intentional.
Originally Posted by picamajstori
Fourthly, is there any way to remove some of the boxes in the BBCODE menu e.g. the Links box (and the one next to it..the T with the cross through it).
Template edit again (mgc_cb_evo_editor).
Originally Posted by picamajstori
Fifthly (and most importantly!) how do we donate? It really is a great mod...its obvious you've put in alot of work for this.
Use the Support Developper link here